
Friday's Compare & Contrast Homework

Bonnie and Clyde
So, anyway, yesterday I had some time, and I watched two movies from two separate eras: Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and From Dusk Till Dawn (1996). What a difference 29 years can make. Both movies start in Texas. Both are about a guy, a gal, and some guns. Bonnie and Clyde doesn't have any vampires, but it has cooler cars. From Dusk Till Dawn doesn't have the Great Depression as a backdrop, but it has good looking dancers. The earlier film seems to have a sexual subtext and a downbeat ending. The later film seems to have sort of a religious subtext and an upbeat ending. Go figure. (It's always best to keep these Compare and Contrast homework assignments brief and to-the-point, dontcha think?)
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde
(The person who drew a rear sight onto this gun's
muzzle had no idea what he was doing.)

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