A lot of online movie blog people don't seem to like Jean Arthur. I really like Jean Arthur. Folks say they don't like her croaky voice. I love her croaky voice. To me she always seems to talk like you've got your hand up her skirt. And I find this particular photograph entirely sexy. I'm not sure why. It was just too special for a regular "Kitchenettes" type post. I left it large so you can use it as a desktop wallpaper...in case you like it as much as I do. We'll say it's a whatchamacallit gift. From me to you. For this special day, uh, Friday.
well i'll tell ya I sure aint one of those people that doesnt like Jean Arthur, i think she was not only totally adorable but a very fine actress as well. And just look at her list of films... Mr Deeds Goes to Town, Ex mrs Bradford, You Cant Take it With You, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, The Plainsman, Only Angles Have Wings, and of course Shane, just to name a few!
btw, the way you described her voice is totally classic and i will think of it like that from this day on, i KNOW it!!
Is that Herbert Marshall?
Your hand-up-her-skirt metaphor for her voice was spot on! I like her too.
Yes, that's one-legged Herb. And, yes, I hope that skirt image pops into everybody's heads when next they see a Jean Arthur movie.
I certainly admire a lot of the gorgeous stars of that day, but for some reason (and I realize I'm in the minority here) I TOTALLY 'lose it' when it comes to Jean Arthur. Seriously.
Where some see a run of the mill Hollywood star with average big screen looks, I see a totally unique and talented woman with an incandescent, sexy HEAT that leaps off the screen whenever she's on it.
And I agree with the comment about her voice......DEFINITELY a part of the special allure that was Jean Arthur.
Glad to know there are others that appreciate this woman's many charms !!!
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