
Happy Birthday, Glenda Farrell

Glenda Farrell
June 30th is Glenda Farrell's birthday.
We last took a look at this wonderful
pre-Code darling HERE.
Glenda Farrell
Happy birthday, Glenda.


Candy Clark On My Hands

A few years ago I saw Candy Clark at a car show, and she autographed a photo for me (for $10). What really surprised me was how young and slender and cute she looked. I see from my Internet searches that she's gained a few pounds since then. You can, of course, get personally autographed pictures of her online, but you don't get to shake her hand. And, yeah, it was the same hand that Hope Lange shook. Lucky hand.
She's still working. She was in Zodiac last year
Candy Clark
Candy Clark
Candy Clark
Candy Clark

Brooke Adams in Cuba (1979)

Brooke Adams
In the movie Cuba (1979), actress Brooke Adams just
blows away the Starlet Showcase picture categories
with great earrings, great dresses, great smoking,
and great mirrors. Not to mention that scene where
she gets out of the pool all damp. Holy cow! And then
there's that whole turned-down mouth thing she's
got going. And the Eyebrow of Doom. Mmmmm. . .

There are a few more pictures of her HERE.


Happy Birthday, Shirley Anne Field

Shirley Anne Field
June 27th is Shirley Anne Field's birthday.
I wish these photos were a lot bigger.
I especially like the top one. She's British,
was once crowned Miss London, and she's still
Common misspellings include Shirley Ann Field,
Shirley Anne Fields, and Shirley Ann Fields.
Shirley Ann Field
Shirley Anne Fields
Happy birthday, Shirley.


Georgann Johnson's voice

Georgeann Johnson
Georgann Johnson pictures are incredibly rare.
I captured these from two episodes of the
wonderful Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV show
DVD. She has a funny nose. She has a gloriously
sexy voice. According to the IMDb, she played
a nun last year on TV's Cold Case show, so she's
still putting that wonderful, whispery voice to
good use. She's been in the business 60 years.

(Frequent misspellings include georgeann johnson,
georgeanne johnson, and georganne johnston.)


Hair Apparent

Mae Clarke
From some of the other blogs I read, I know
that there are numerous women who study
pre-Code cinema and silent movies for the
hair styles. And these styles tend to be a lot
shorter and more elaborate than I like. But
then I lean more toward the sexy-lioness-
who-just-crawled-out-of-a-warm-bed look.
I know that one of the reasons these ladies
are interested in these old hair styles is that
they're just itching to try them out on their
own heads. Me, I've kinda had a Conrad Veidt
thing going with my hair for about 30 years,
as it's simple, classic, you don't really need
a mirror, you can do it with your fingers,
and you can do it when you're really drunk.
But for you ladies out there who are more
concerned with shorter, more complicated
hair, I offer these beauties. . .
Dorothy Janis
Jean Simmons
Phyllis Kirk
Pier Angeli