This is
Ann Dusenberry in a dreadfully bad 1985
military sex comedy called
Basic Training.
The production company was Playboy Entertainment
Group, if that gives you any idea. Anyway, this
Walk-to-Work scene is the
only reason
ever to
watch this movie. In Britain it was entitled
Up The Military, and the
Not Safe For Worktrailer is on
YouTube HERE.
A much better Ann Dusenberry experience is the
1981 movie
Cutter's Way (aka
Cutter and Bone).
YouTube trailer is
HERE, and it
IS safe for work.
It was filmed in Santa Barbara, back when I lived
there. A friend of mine was in a crowd scene in the
beginning, but I think he ended upon the cutting
room floor.
So. . .
1.) Ann Dusenberry has a
nice walk.
2.) Skip
Basic Training.
3.) Watch
Cutter's Way, which features Jeff
Bridges and John Heard.
4.) That is all. Carry on.

Gotta love that 80s hair.